Brands bind the interests of consumers with the interests of producers. This means that Markenverband is not the type of lobbying organisation that seeks to secure the greatest possible advantages for its clients to the detriment of others in the political battle for allocation of benefits between different interest groups. Markenverband sees itself much more as an organisation which wants to highlight the value of brands in themselves to society and to preserve their space for development. In this respect, a policy which places trust in free competition between brands and protects intellectual property is the best consumer policy.
Branded products ensure transparency and give the consumer the greatest possible sovereignty when they make purchases. In addition, a healthy branded sector within a competitive economy is a proven engine for innovative progress. Without brands, the anonymity that the mass society inevitably entails with its multi-faceted and far-reaching economic intermeshing makes it impossible for the consumer to purchase precisely the products that really meet his needs and also match his convictions.
Markenverband and its members support the values of a free and quality-oriented society based on competition whose human model is the mature and responsible citizen. Ultimately, it is not the state but the citizen who best knows what he needs and what he wants. Markenverband rejects on principle the idea of consumption decisions being made for citizens, be it through restrictions, tax or unilateral influence – not only on behalf of its members but also on behalf of consumers and citizens generally.
Producers of branded products and services target a long-term relationship with their customers. The reputation and therefore the value of a brand stands or falls on credibility and producers keeping their promise of quality. This creates reliability and continuity which is to the advantage of both sides – producers of branded products and services and consumers alike. The brand producer gains the necessary trust of its customers not least also through an offensive information policy. This is logical: those who do good can and should also talk about it. This relates in part to the quality of the product on offer, but also incorporates the conditions under which it is made and the general behaviour of the business.
With their brand loyalty, consumers articulate the world they as citizens want to live in - not only as consumers but for instance also in their lives as workers or taxpayers. Brands given them the possibility to decide in the way that they consider to be right and appropriate after weighing various aspects. By contrast with intensive state regulation, brand producers’ competition based on quality and information is extremely effective and in addition does not require any inefficient and expensive bureaucracy, which is ultimately paid by citizens.